Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What goes around...

I get that fashion is cyclical. What was in style goes out and what was out of style comes back in. It was true when I was a 13-year-old dying for a pair of bell bottoms and my mom informed me that's what she wore in high school. And it's true now. The '80s are back and get this, the early '90s want in, too.

I'm not about to sit here, all high and mighty, and pretend like I don't follow the trends I once scoffed. There is more than one plaid shirt in my closet. My skinny jeans are tucked into my tall boots. I have bangs very similar to the ones I spent the majority of my youth awkwardly growing out. Even as I'm writing this in my pjs -- a pair of leggings and an oversized sweatshirt -- I look more like an extra from Flashdance than even I care to admit.

But seriously, I think we were all a lot better off before spandex worked its way back into the mainstream and onto the treadmill in front of me. Sure, bike shorts have their place (The Tour de France. Spin class. The privacy of your own home.), but spandex hot pants for fashion's sake just seem wrong. Some trends are better left in the past. And the day I see someone wearing a leotard over bike shorts with scrunchie socks stroll into kick boxing class, I'm boycotting fashion and the gym.


  1. And that person will be me because that outfit sounds fantastic.

  2. i'd like to say i'm still quite proud of us for never EVER giving into the Uggs and mini skirt rage of summer/fall 2005.
